Friday, October 3, 2014

Is the Affordable Health Care Act really working?

Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, continues to be a prominent political topic. The Conservative party tends be skeptical of the impact that the healthcare marketplace will have on insurance provided in the traditional free market setting. Paul Waldman, author of Being Right is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn From Conservative Success, recently wrote an article "Some good news about Obamacare that even conservatives should love" in the Washington Post on September 24th, 2014 highlighting this issue. Waldman is reaching out to democrats, but also to the conservatives, arguing that the free market for health insurance has embraced the Affordable Care Act. 

Conservatives anticipated that a government supplemented system would lack the healthy subscribers needed to form a stable and profitable base. Without this, they feared that all consumers would be left with higher health insurance premiums to support a system burdened with demand. However, recent data has suggested that this is not the case. Healthy people are signing up for insurance and the data collected by the Department of Health and Human Services show that the free market has embraced the Affordable Care Act. The number of insurers is set to increase by almost by 25 percent within the next year, suggesting that the free market and the affordable care act exist in harmony. The evidence shows that people are continuing to enroll, allowing for lower premiums in a competitive market place. Rival companies will keep premiums low in an effort to stay profitable in a market controlled by supply and demand. Data listed on table 3, page 11, from the Department of Health and Human Services shows that the healthy age group of 18 to 34 grew faster than any other age group. 

The Affordable Health Care Act should be welcomed instead of ostracized by conservatives because data is showing that it’s successful and should continue to be successful. As author Paul Waldman is saying “c’mon, conservatives — look to your free market principles, and give Obamacare at least a little credit” because it's working.

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