Friday, October 31, 2014

What the frack are you thinking?

The Department of Energy and the government have been working together to find a cleaner natural energy source to displace the use of coal. In President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address he acknowledged the amount of natural gas that the United States has access to and how he will take every measure to safely develop this energy. Natural gas is being considered as a “bridge” to cleaner energy but, just how clean and safe is it? To obtain natural gas a process known as fracking (also known as hydraulic fracking) is used. Fracking is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth. During this dangerous process more than 40,000 gallons of chemicals such as formaldehyde are used to complete the process. It takes almost 2 million gallons of water per frack. The chemicals are then stored within that water in underground water wells. The chemcials are also exposed into the air through the vapors coming off of the fracking process.

What has the government done to protect our health and to protect the environment? The answer is that the government has done very little to protect us due to lack of regulation. Until 2011, when a study was given to the US Congress, all of the chemicals used during the fracking process were kept from the public due to “commercial reasons”. The regulations on fracking are different from state to state. Some states will disclose what chemicals are being used but other states do not disclose the information. The Washington Post published an article in 2012 called  "How states are regulating fracking" and the maps show how this “cleaner” alternative is not so clean due to the lack of regulation. In 2012, 13 States were not required to disclose what chemicals were being used for the fracking process. Some states that are required to disclose what chemicals are being used are exempt due to “trade secrets”. The disclosure regulations are mostly the same as of today and have changed very little. 

The US news published an article on October 30, 2014,  "Toxic Chemicals, Carcinogens Skyrocket Near Fracking Sites" showing chemical research on fracking sites and it was published in the Journal of Environmental Health. The research shows that eight poisonous chemicals were found near fracking sites in several states that far surpassed the recommended federal limits.  

What’s more disconcerting is that due to the 2005 Energy Policy Act and the help of former Vice President Cheney’s Energy Task Force, known as the Halliburton loophole, Congress amended the definition of underground injection. This means that oil and gas companies are allowed to inject anything other than diesel while fracking without having to abide by rules put in place with the Safe Water Drinking Act which is an act intended to keep our drinking water safe. Clearly this is a federal law and loop hole under the Safe Water Drinking Act, where fracking is exempt from disclosure rules to benefit the already powerful oil and gas companies. 

The lack of proper federal regulation for fracking and the loop holes involved are allowing the rich to become richer at the expense of the public’s health and the expense of the environment. All of the information on fracking and its harmful chemicals used for each individual frack makes you want to look at our government and say " What the frack are you thinking ? "

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1 comment:

Zackary Ace said...

Hey Cassandra,

Nice article, just had a few things to say about it.